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Tutorial: Making Wefts 4 Wigs



I'm finally lucking enough to get the chance to post some of my cosplay/costuming tutorials I have done her on DA! I made these a few months ago and had post them on my website and youtube, but was bummed that I couldn't share them here. I'm not too good at explaining things through text (at least I think so) plus videos I think are much more helpful.

I want to apologize for the icky quality of this video. This was before I got a better camera. If I make another weft sometime soon I'll be sure to re-record with my better camera. In the mean time I hope this suffices.

About this tutorial
Ever needed to add more hair to your wig or needed a hair extension for you costume but didn't have the time or money to buy your own? Or maybe you would like to learn another way to make wefts. Well, this tutorial is for you. This video follows me through all the steps of making wefts with synthetic hair on your sewing machine.

If you have a hard time following what I am doing in the video, below is a full written tutorial on how to do it. Of course if you have ANY questions please feel free to note me. I'll be happy to answer any question you have.

What you will need:
-Pack(s) of loose extension hair (I'm using Silky Straight Kanekalon Braid from Dr. Locks in this video)
-Netting, lace, or sheer ribbon
-Thread in your extension hair color
-Sewing Machine (use a normal sewing machine. I haven't tried it with a serger/overlock yet)

1. Set your machine to the tightest tension (for me that was 9), to the smallest stitch length (I used 1 in this tutorial, or the on above your button hole stitch setting) and to your straight stitch.

2. Thread your machine. It is best to use thread and lace/netting/ribbon in the color your extension hair is so it isn't as easy to see.

3. Place your lace/netting/ribbon down on the sewing plate.

4. Take small amounts of hair and place it on the lace/netting/ribbon. We will be folding our hair in half at the end, so if you want an extension piece that is 5" long, use 10" pieces of hair. Spread it out a bit so it isn't really think, but evenly disbursed.

5. Sew down the center of the lace/netting/ribbon and of your hair.

6. Repeat steps 5 and 4 until you have reached the desired width you want your weft to be.

7. Repeat step 5 three more times to insure the security of the hair to the lace/netting/ribbon.

8. Now sew on more stitch about 1/4" to the side of the other stitches you just made.

9. Fold your weft in half so the lace/netting/ribbon is on the outside and the hair is inside. Pin your weft so the fold stays secure.

10. Adjust your machine to a ZigZag stitch with a fairly small width. Keep your stitch length and tension the same.

11. Sew down the ribbon close to the fold edge/ previous stitches to keep the weft folded in half.

12. Trim the excess lace/netting/ribbon to your stitches and your done!

Now you can easily add your extension hair to your wig with no mess!
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LaraMuk's avatar
hey I have a wefting question. i dont have a sewing machine but i found a tutorial on how to do it by hand and i was wondering how to make double wefts. if i have a completed weft, would i just cut it in half and sew the 2 new pieces together to get double weft or is it more complicated than that? i'm having trouble finding any information on it :(